SPOILERS: TNA iMPACT 1/23/14 (Genesis “Night 2”)


The following are Spoilers for “Night 2” of the TNA Genesis tapings, scheduled to air on SpikeTV next Thursday, January 23rd, 2014.

* Kurt Angle defeats Bobby Roode in a Steel Cage Match

* Austin Aries defeated Chris Sabin to capture the X Division Title. Velvet Sky was put in a small cage for the duration of the match.

* Samoa Joe defeated Rockstar Spud

* Gunner defeated James Storm to retain the Title Shot Briefcase.

– The BroMans & Zema Ion attacked Eric Young. Abyss makes the save.

* TNA Champion Magnus defeats Sting. Per the match stipulations, Magnus rips up Sting’s contract after to match to signify that Sting has been fired from TNA.


Even though the Wolves (Edwards & Richards) were advertised as competing on next week’s iMPACT, no such match took place. I assume they will continue this “investor” angle. May God have mercy on our souls.



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