Dallas “Big Time Wrestling” Results 1973



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, jbryan1984, legacyofwrestling, and worldclassinfo)

“Big Time Wrestling” Results 1973

Promoting the Areas of: Dallas & Forth Worth, Texas
Promoter: Jack Adkisson



1/1/73 Fort Worth
Missouri Mauler defeated Johnny Valentine & Fred Curry
Tiger Conway Sr defeated Joe Blanchard & Tiger Conway Jr
Ivan Putski defeated Tom Jones & Mike Paidousis
Jose Lothario defeated Benny Matta & Lord Robert Duncum
FINAL: Jose Lothario defeated Ivan Putski, Tiger Conway Sr & Missouri Mauler

1/2/73 Dallas
Ivan Putski & Jose Lothario defeated Johnny Valentine & Missouri Mauler
Fred Curry defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Tom Jones defeated Mike Paidousis via DQ
Joe Blanchard defeated Tiger Conway Jr
Benny Matta defeated Tiger Conway Sr

1/8/73 Fort Worth
Jose Lothario & Fritz Von Erich defeated Dory Funk Sr & Dory Funk Jr
Ricky Hunter defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Missouri Mauler defeated Bobby Whitlock
Ivan Putski defeated Cisco Grimaldo
Fred Curry defeated Tom Jones

1/9/73 Dallas
Dory Funk Jr defeated Jose Lothario
Ivan Putski DCOR Lord Robert Duncum
Missouri Mauler defeated Tom Jones
Cisco Grimaldo drew Fred Curry
Ricky Hunter defeated Bobby Whitlock

1/15/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich defeated Missouri Mauler via DQ
Joe Blanchard defeated Fred Curry
Ricky Hunter defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Joe Blanchard defeated Bobby Whitlock
Ivan Putski & Tom Jones defeated Bobby Whitlock & Bill Lehman

1/16/73 Dallas
Lord Robert Duncum double DQ against Missouri Mauler
Fred Curry drew Bill Lehman
Ivan Putski defeated Joe Blanchard & Bill Lehman, handicap match
Ricky Hunter defeated Cisco Grimaldo
Tom Jones drew Bobby Whitlock

1/22/73 Fort Worth
Ivan Putski defeated Missouri Mauler
Jose Lothario defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Ivan Putski & Tom Jones defeated Eddie Sullivan & John Foley
Ricky Hunter defeated Cisco Grimaldo
Bobby Whitlock defeated Gene Lewis

1/23/73 Dallas
Ivan Putski defeated Johnny Valentine
Jose Lothario & Ricky Hunter defeated Lord Robert Duncum & Eddie Sullivan
Gary Hart double DQ against Bronko Lubich
Tom Jones defeated Gene Lewis
Bobby Whitlock drew John Foley

1/29/73 Fort Worth
Missouri Mauler defeated Jose Lothario
Ivan Putski defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Ricky Hunter & Tom Jones defeated John Foley & Cisco Grimaldo
Brute Bernard defeated Bobby Whitlock
Gene Yates defeated Eddie Sullivan

1/30/73 Dallas
Brute Bernard & Missouri Mauler defeated Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski via DQ
Lord Robert Duncum defeated Tom Jones
Ricky Hunter defeated Eddie Sullivan
Bobby Whitlock drew Cisco Grimaldo
John Foley defeated Gene Lewis


2/5/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich defeated Missouri Mauler
Brute Bernard defeated Tom Jones
Ricky Hunter defeated Jack Brisco
Ivan Putski & Gene Lewis defeated Cisco Grimaldo & Eddie Sullivan
Bobby Whitlock drew John Foley

2/6/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Bronko Lubich defeated Gary Hart, lumberjack match
Jack Brisco drew Jose Lothario
Gene Lewis defeated Brute Bernard via DQ
Ivan Putski defeated Eddie Sullivan
Tom Jones & Billy Red Lyons defeated John Foley & Cisco Grimaldo

2/12/73 Fort Worth
Missouri Mauler defeated Billy Red Lyons via DQ
Brute Bernard double DQ against Lord Robert Duncum
Ivan Putski & Tom Jones defeated John Foley & Joe Blanchard
Bobby Whitlock defeated Eddie Sullivan
Cisco Grimaldo defeated Gene Lewis

2/13/73 Dallas
Ivan Putski defeated Missouri Mauler via DQ
Rick Hunter defeated Brute Bernard via DQ
Billy Red Lyons & Tom Jones defeated Joe Blanchard & Eddie Sullivan
John Foley defeated Gene Lewis
Cisco Grimaldo defeated Bobby Whitlock

2/19/73 Fort Worth
Ricky Hunter & Jose Lothario defeated Missouri Mauler & Brute Bernard
Gary Hart defeated Bronko Lubich via DQ, lights out match
Lord Robert Duncum defeated Bobby Whitlock
Ivan Putski defeated Eddie Sullivan
Cisco Grimaldo drew Tom Jones
John Foley defeated Gene Lewis

2/20/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Brute Bernard
Jose Lothario & Ivan Putski defeated Missouri Mauler & Cisco Grimaldo
Jose Lothario defeated Eddie Sullivan
Tom Jones defeated John Foley
Bobby Whitlock defeated Gene Lewis

2/26/73 Fort Worth
Ivan Putski, Ricky Hunter & Tom Jones defeated Missouri Mauler, Brute Bernard & Cisco Grimaldo
Ricky Hunter defeated Cisco Grimaldo
Jose Lothario defeated Lord Robert Duncum
John Foley drew Bobby Whitlock
Eddie Sullivan defeated Gene Lewis

2/27/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski defeated Missouri Mauler & Brute Bernard
Rick Hunter drew Lord Robert Duncum
Jose Lothario defeated John Foley
Bobby Whitlock defeated Eddie Sullivan
Cisco Grimaldo defeated Gene Lewis


3/5/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich defeated Brute Bernard
Lord Robert Duncum defeated Tom Jones
Ricky Hunter & Jose Lothario defeated Eddie Sullivan & Cisco Grimaldo
Joe Blanchard drew Bobby Whitlock
John Foley defeated Mark Starr

3/6/73 Dallas (no results available)
Brute Bernard vs Jose Lothario
Lord Robert Duncum vs Bobby Whitlock
John Foley vs Mike Paidousis
Joe Blanchard & Eddie Sullivan vs Ricky Hunter & Tom Jones
Missouri Mauler vs Ivan Putski

3/12/73 Fort Worth
Brute Bernard & Missouri Mauler defeated Ricky Hunter & Jose Lothario
Lord Robert Duncum defeated Bobby Whitlock
John Foley defeated Bill Lehman
John Foley defeated Mike Paidousis
Tom Jones defeated Cisco Grimaldo

3/13/73 Dallas
Spoiler & Lord Robert Duncum NCO Brute Bernard & Missouri Mauler
Ivan Putski defeated Bill Lehman & Mike Paidousis, handicap match
Jose Lothario defeated Tom Jones
Ricky Hunter defeated Cisco Grimaldo
John Foley defeated Bobby Whitlock

3/20/73 Dallas (no results available)
John Foley & Cisco Grimaldo vs Rick Hunter & Ruben Juarez
Missouri Mauler vs Jose Lothario
Mike Paidousis vs Bobby Whitlock
Lord Robert Duncum vs Tom Jones
Brute Bernard vs Ivan Putski


4/3/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich, Ivan Putski & Bronko Lubich defeated Missouri Mauler, Brute Bernard & Gary Hart
Jose Lothario defeated Tom Jones
Rick Hunter defeated Lord Robert Duncum via DQ
Tiger Conway Jr. drew John Foley
Joe Blanchard defeated Cisco Grimaldo

4/10/73 Dallas
Brute Bernard & Missouri Mauler defeated Ivan Putski & Jose Lothario via DQ
Tom Jones defeated Lord Robert Duncum
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Cisco Grimaldo
Rick Hunter defeated John Foley
Tiger Conway Jr. defeated Bobby Whitlock

4/17/73 Dallas
Billy Red Lyons & Bronko Lubich defeated Missouri Mauler & Gary Hart
Ivan Putski defeated Brute Bernard
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tom Jones
Rick Hunter defeated Mike Paidousis
John Foley drew Ray Glenn

4/24/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler won battle royal (elimination order determines pairings for remainder of card)
La Pantera Negra defeated Spoiler via DQ
Billy Red Lyons defeated Tom Jones
Blackjack Mulligan defeated The Viking
Bronko Lubich defeated John Foley
Brute Bernard defeated Ray Glenn
Jose Lothario drew Ricky Hunter
Missouri Mauler defeated Ivan Putski

4/30/73 Fort Worth
Ivan Putski, Bronko Lubich & Billy Red Lyons defeated Missouri Mauler, Brute Bernard & Gary Hart
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tom Jones
La Pantera Negra defeated John Foley
Jose Lothario defeated Ricky Hunter
The Viking defeated Leo Seitz


5/14/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich defeated Brute Bernard
Bronko Lubich defeated Missouri Mauler, five-minute challenge match
Jose Lothario drew Blackjack Mulligan
The Viking defeated Tom Jones
Billy Red Lyons defeated La Pantera Negra
Ray Glenn defeated John Foley

5/15/73 Dallas
Blackjack Mulligan, Brute Bernard & Missouri Mauler defeated Johnny Valentine, Billy Red Lyons & Ivan Putski
Rick Hunter drew The Viking
Jose Lothario defeated Tom Jones
La Pantera Negra defeated John Foley
Ray Glenn defeated Mike Paidousis

5/21/73 Fort Worth
Billy Red Lyons defeated Missouri Mauler
Wahoo McDaniel drew Blackjack Mulligan
Rick Hunter & La Pantera Negra defeated Pancho Lopez & The Viking
Tom Jones drew Ray Glenn
Joe Blanchard defeated John Foley

5/22/73 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Ivan Putski defeated Missouri Mauler & Brute Bernard
Billy Red Lyons defeated The Viking
Rick Hunter defeated John Foley
Tom Jones defeated Joe Blanchard via DQ
La Pantera Negra drew Ray Glenn

5/29/73 Dallas
Blackjack Mulligan won battle royal for vacant Texas Brass Knuckles title
Missouri Mauler defeated Jose Lothario
Billy Red Lyons defeated Ray Glenn
Rick Hunter defeated Pancho Lopez
La Pantera Negra drew Tom Jones


6/5/72 Dallas (no results available)
Missouri Mauler & Brute Bernard vs Ivan Putski & Billy Red Lyons
Bronko Lubich vs Gary Hart
Joe Blanchard vs Rick Hunter
George Scott vs Mike Paidousis
Tom Jones vs Ray Glenn

6/12/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler defeated Ivan Putski via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Wahoo McDaniel
Billy Red Lyons defeated Tom Jones
John Fargo defeated La Pantera Negra
Jose Lothario drew Ricky Hunter
George Scott defeated Pancho Lopez

6/18/73 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel drew Ivan Putski (sub for Blackjack Mulligan)
George Scott defeated Pancho Lopez
John Fargo vs La Pantera Negra, no result available
The Viking defeated Raul Mata
Tom Jones defeated Missouri Mauler
Billy Red Lyons defeated Ricky Hunter

6/19/73 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Ivan Putski DCOR Missouri Mauler & Blackjack Mulligan
Tom Jones defeated The Viking
Raul Mata defeated Pancho Lopez
Billy Red Lyons drew La Pantera Negra
John Fargo drew George Scott

6/25/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich NCO Blackjack Mulligan
Missouri Mauler defeated Ricky Hunter
Billy Red Lyons defeated The Viking
Raul Mata defeated Ramon Lopez
Nicoli Volkoff defeated La Pantera Negra
John Fargo defeated Tom Jones

6/26/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler defeated Billy Red Lyons
George Scott defeated John Fargo
Fritz Von Erich defeated Gary Hart COR
Raul Mata defeated Joe Blanchard
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Ricky Hunter
Tom Jones drew La Pantera Negra

6/29/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
The Viking vs La Pantera Negra
John Fargo vs Ramon Lopez
Tom Jones vs Nicoli Volkoff
Raul Mata vs Mike Paidousis
Wahoo McDaniel vs Missouri Mauler
Blackjack Mulligan vs Billy Red Lyons


7/2/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
Wahoo McDaniel vs Missouri Mauler
Billy Red Lyons vs Blackjack Mulligan
Raul Mata vs Mike Paidousis
Tom Jones vs Nicoli Volkoff
John Fargo vs Ramon Lopez
La Pantera Negra vs The Viking

7/3/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski defeated Blackjack Mulligan & Missouri Mauler
Nicoli Volkoff defeated George Scott
Billy Red Lyons drew Raul Mata
John Fargo defeated La Pantera Negra
The Viking defeated Tom Jones

7/16/73 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Missouri Mauler
Billy Red Lyons defeated John Fargo via DQ
Jose Lothario defeated The Viking
Raul Mata defeated Joe Blanchard
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Bob Brannigan
La Pantera Negra drew George Scott

7/17/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich double DQ against Blackjack Mulligan, no time limit, two referees
Ivan Putski & Jose Lothario defeated Missouri Mauler & The Viking
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Pantera Negra
Billy Red Lyons defeated Joe Blanchard
George Scott drew Raul Mata

7/23/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
Ivan Putski vs Blackjack Mulligan
Pat O’Connor vs Missouri Mauler
Billy Red Lyons & Raul Mata vs Great Goliath & Black Gordman
John Fargo vs La Pantera Negra
George Scott vs The Viking

7/24/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Wahoo McDaniel & Ivan Putski, special referee Pat O’Connor
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Billy Red Lyons
John Fargo defeated Tiger Conway Jr.
George Scott defeated Mike Paidousis via DQ
The Viking defeated La Pantera Negra

7/30/73 Fort Worth
Blackjack Mulligan & Nicoli Volkoff defeated Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski via DQ
Raul Mata defeated John Fargo
Black Gordman defeated Tiger Conway Jr.
Great Goliath defeated La Pantera Negra
George Scott defeated The Viking

7/31/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Blackjack Mulligan, lumberjack match
Raul Mata & Jose Lothario defeated Great Goliath & Black Gordman
Nicoli Volkoff defeated George Scott
Ivan Putski defeated John Fargo
Tiger Conway Jr. drew The Viking


8/6/73 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Great Goliath & Black Gordman defeated Jose Lothario & Ivan Putski to win American Tag titles
Missouri Mauler defeated The Viking
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Tiger Conway Jr.
George Scott drew Joe Blanchard

8/7/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Missouri Mauler to win American Heavyweight title
Jose Lothario defeated Black Gordman
Tiger Conway Jr. vs Great Goliath, no result available
Raul Mata defeated Joe Blanchard
Wee Willie Wilson drew Lord Littlebrook
John Fargo defeated The Viking

8/13/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich, Ivan Putski & Raul Mata defeated Blackjack Mulligan, Missouri Mauler & Nicoli Volkoff, elimination tag match
Black Gordman defeated George Scott
Lord Littlebrook defeated Wee Willie Wilson
Great Goliath defeated John Fargo
Raul Mata drew Missouri Mauler

8/14/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski defeated Blackjack Mulligan & Nicoli Volkoff
Raul Mata drew Black Gordman
George Scott drew Great Goliath
Wee Willie Wilson & The Viking vs Lord Littlebrook & Tiger Conway Jr., no result available
Joe Blanchard defeated John Fargo

8/20/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
Ivan Putski vs Nicoli Volkoff
Jose Lothario & Raul Mata vs Great Goliath & Black Gordman
Missouri Mauler vs John Fargo
Tiger Conway Jr. vs The Viking
George Scott vs Mike Paidousis

8/21/73 Dallas
Missouri Mauler, Blackjack Mulligan, Nicoli Volkoff & Gary Hart defeated Wahoo McDaniel, Jose Lothario, Ivan Putski & George Scott
Jose Lothario drew Nicoli Volkoff
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Kit Conway defeated John Fargo
Mike Paidousis defeated The Viking

8/27/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
12-man battle royal (Ivan Putski, Man Mountain Mike, Nicoli Volkoff, Blackjack Mulligan, Great Goliath, Black Gordman, Missouri Mauler, George Scott, Jose Lothario, Mike Paidousis, Kit Conway, Joe Blanchard)
Jose Lothario vs Great Goliath
Ivan Putski vs Black Gordman
Kit Conway vs Joe Blanchard

8/28/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Missouri Mauler
Black Gordman & Great Goliath defeated Jose Lothario & Kit Conway
Fritz Von Erich defeated Gary Hart
Blackjack Mulligan defeated George Scott
Man Mountain Mike defeated Mike Paidousis
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Joe Blanchard


9/4/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Blackjack Mulligan, loser leaves Texas
Black Gordman & Great Goliath defeated George Scott & Ivan Putski
Man Mountain Mike defeated Mack Quarry
Paul DeMarco drew Jose Lothario
Kit Conway defeated Mike Paidousis via DQ

9/11/73 Dallas
Ivan Putski double DQ against Nicoli Volkoff
Wahoo McDaniel & Man Mountain Mike defeated Black Gordman & Great Goliath
Paul DeMarco defeated Kit Conway
Billy Red Cloud defeated Mike Paidousis
Khosrow Vaziri drew Mack Quarry

9/18/73 Dallas
Ivan Putski defeated Man Mountain Mike & Nicoli Volkoff, elimination match
Jose Lothario & Billy Red Cloud drew Black Gordman & Great Goliath
Paul DeMarco defeated George Scott
Kit Conway defeated Mack Quarry
Khosrow Vaziri defeated Pancho Lopez

9/24/73 Fort Worth
Jack Brisco defeated Jose Lothario via DQ
Nicoli Volkoff, Great Goliath & Gary Hart defeated Fritz Von Erich, Man Mountain Mike & Billy Red Cloud
Black Gordman defeated Khosrow Vaziri
Paul DeMarco defeated Mack Quarry
Billy Red Cloud drew Great Goliath

9/25/73 Dallas
Jack Brisco defeated Ivan Putski
Jose Lothario double DQ against Nicoli Volkoff
Paul DeMarco drew Billy Red Cloud
Black Gordman defeated Kit Conway
Great Goliath defeated Khosrow Vaziri
Mack Quarry defeated Pancho Lopez


10/1/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
Wahoo McDaniel & Billy Red Cloud vs Nicoli Volkoff & Paul DeMarco
Jose Lothario vs Black Gordman
Joe Blanchard vs Great Goliath
Mack Quarry vs Sonny King
Kit Conway vs Khosrow Vaziri

10/2/73 Dallas
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Fritz Von Erich
Jose Lothario defeated Great Goliath via DQ
Ivan Putski defeated Man Mountain Mike
Joe Blanchard defeated Mack Quarry
Sonny King drew Black Gordman
Khosrow Vaziri drew Kit Conway

10/8/73 Fort Worth (no results available)
Ivan Putski vs Nicoli Volkoff
Jose Lothario vs Paul DeMarco
Sonny King vs Great Goliath
Black Gordman vs Kit Conway
Khosrow Vaziri vs Mack Quarry

10/9/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Nicoli Volkoff, No DQ, no time limit
Black Gordman & Great Goliath defeated Ivan Putski & Jose Lothario via DQ
Kit Conway defeated Mack Quarry
Sonny King defeated Mike Paidousis
Khosrow Vaziri defeated Pancho Lopez

10/16/73 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel, Ivan Putski & Jose Lothario defeated Nicoli Volkoff, Blackjack Mulligan & Gary Hart
Sonny King defeated Black Gordman via DQ
Dale Lewis defeated Ric Flair
Pete Sanchez defeated Butcher Brannigan
Kit Conway drew Khosrow Vaziri

10/22/73 Fort Worth
Jack Brisco defeated Ivan Putski
Nicoli Volkoff double DQ against Jose Lothario
Dale Lewis defeated Khosrow Vaziri
Black Gordman defeated Pete Sanchez
Kit Conway drew Butcher Brannigan

10/23/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Ivan Putski defeated Jack Brisco & Blackjack Mulligan
Nicoli Volkoff defeated Pete Sanchez
Black Gordman defeated Kit Conway
Dale Lewis drew Sonny King
Butcher Brannigan defeated Khosrow Vaziri

10/29/73 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich & Sonny King defeated Blackjack Mulligan & Nicoli Volkoff via DQ
Jose Lothario drew Dale Lewis
Ruben Juarez defeated Butcher Brannigan
Pete Sanchez defeated Kit Conway
Ricky Gibson defeated Nicoli Volkoff

10/30/73 Dallas
Sonny King defeated Nicoli Volkoff via DQ
Jose Lothario & El Santo defeated Black Gordman & Great Goliath
Ruben Juarez defeated Gory Guerrero
Ricky Gibson defeated Butcher Brannigan
Dale Lewis defeated Kit Conway
Pete Sanchez defeated Khosrow Vaziri


11/5/73 Fort Worth (or 11/6/73 Dallas)
Fritz Von Erich defeated Nicoli Volkoff, taped fists match
Sonny King defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Ivan Putski drew Dale Lewis
Great Mephisto defeated Tiger Conway
Pete Sanchez defeated Butcher Brannigan

11/13/73 Dallas
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Fritz Von Erich via DQ
Ivan Putski defeated Butcher Brannigan
Dale Lewis drew Sonny King
Great Mephisto defeated Pancho Lopez
Great Goliath drew Pete Sanchez

11/20/73 Dallas
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Ivan Putski
Suzy Green defeated Toni Rose
Sonny King drew Black Gordman
Sonny King (sub for Ricky Gibson) & Jose Lothario defeated Dale Lewis & Gary Hart
Great Goliath defeated Ruben Juarez

11/27/73 Dallas (no results available)
Dale Lewis & Blackjack Mulligan vs Ivan Putski & Fritz Von Erich
Great Mephisto vs Sonny King
Butcher Brannigan vs Ricky Gibson
Great Goliath vs Pete Sanchez
Black Gordman vs Pancho Lopez


12/3/73 Fort Worth
Ivan Putski defeated Blackjack Mulligan
Andre the Giant defeated Leo Seitz & Ramon Lopez, handicap match
Dale Lewis defeated Pete Sanchez
Great Mephisto defeated Butcher Brannigan
Matt Gibson defeated Frank Valois

12/4/73 Dallas
Andre the Giant won battle royal
No results available:
Ivan Putski vs Frank Valois
Matt Gibson vs Leo Seitz
Great Mephisto vs Sonny King
Pancho Lopez vs Pete Sanchez

12/10/73 Fort Worth
Andre the Giant, Jose Lothario & Matt Gibson defeated Black Gordman, Goliath & Dale Lewis
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Sonny King
Ivan Putski defeated Frank Valois
Matt Gibson defeated Great Goliath
Ramon Lopez defeated Butcher Brannigan

12/11/73 Dallas
Jack Brisco defeated Johnny Valentine
Andre the Giant & Ivan Putski defeated Butcher Brannigan, Great Goliath & Black Gordman, handicap tag match
Dale Lewis drew Jose Lothario
Matt Gibson drew Great Mephisto
Sonny King defeated Frank Valois

12/24/73 Fort Worth
Jose Lothario defeated Great Mephisto via DQ
Ivan Putski defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Dale Lewis defeated Matt Gibson
Sonny King defeated Butcher Brannigan
Leo Seitz defeated Ramon Lopez

12/25/73 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich defeated Blackjack Mulligan, special referee Leo Garibaldi
Ivan Putski & Haiti Kid defeated Great Mephisto & Little Tokyo
Matt Gibson defeated Dale Lewis
Clay Spencer defeated Jack Slade
Bob Orton Jr defeated Kit Conway

12/31/73 Fort Worth
Jose Lothario NCO Great Mephisto
Ivan Putski & Matt Gibson defeated Dale Lewis & Jerry Timmons
Jerry Oates defeated Blackjack Slade
Bob Orton Jr defeated Benny Matta
Clay Spencer defeated Joe Cassidy