Dallas “Big Time Wrestling” Results 1969


(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, jbryan1984, legacyofwrestling, and worldclassinfo) 

“Big Time Wrestling” Results 1969

Promoting the Areas of: Dallas & Forth Worth, Texas
Promoters: Ed McLemore & Jack Adkisson



1/6/69 Fort Worth
Spoiler beat Waldo Von Erich
Baron Raschke & Krusher Kowalski drew Dr. Dan Miller & Young Bull (Fred) Curry
Johnny Valentine beat Alex Medina
Grizzly Smith beat Tank Morgan DQ
Krusher Karlssen beat Kurt Hess

1/7/69 Dallas
Dr. Dan Miller drew Johnny Valentine
Young Bull Curry beat Gary Hart
Baron Raschke & Kurt Hess beat Waldo Von Erich & Alex Medina
Grizzly Smith beat Krusher Karlssen
Krusher Kowalski beat Tank Morgan

Ed McLemore dies of a heart attack; Jack Adkisson (Fritz Von Erich), who has co-promoted with him since 1966, becomes sole promoter, with McLemore’s former assistant Ed Watt listed as matchmaker.

1/13/69 Fort Worth
Spoiler & Gary Hart beat Baron Raschke & Krusher Kowalski
Young Bull Curry beat Kurt Von Hess
Johnny Valentine beat Krusher Karlssen
Tank Morgan beat Alex Medina
The Butcher beat Danny Plechas

1/14/69 Dallas
Baron Raschke beat Don Jardine, chain match
Dr. Dan Miller & Grizzly Smith beat Krusher Kowalski & Tank Morgan
Johnny Valentine beat Tiger Conway
The Butcher beat Alex Medina
Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Karlssen

1/20/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Don Jardine & Gary Hart, handicap match
Johnny Valentine beat Grizzly Smith
Dr. Dan Miller & Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Kowalski & The Butcher
Baron Raschke beat Sundown Kid DQ (some sources have Sundown Kid winning via DQ)
Alex Medina beat Kurt Hess

1/21/69 Dallas
Fritz & Waldo Von Erich beat Don Jardine & Gary Hart
Johnny Valentine beat Tank Morgan
Grizzly Smith beat The Butcher DQ
Baron Raschke beat Alex Medina
Joe Blanchard beat Kurt Hess

1/27/69 Fort Worth
Dr. Dan Miller beat Johnny Valentine DQ
Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Kowalski
Fritz Von Erich beat Gary Hart
Waldo Von Erich & Grizzly Smith beat The Butcher & Tank Morgan
Jose Lothario beat Krusher Karlssen

1/28/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich DDQ Baron Raschke
Dr. Dan Miller beat Don Jardine
Johnny Valentine beat Grizzly Smith
Waldo Von Erich & Young Bull Curry drew Krusher Karlssen & Krusher Kowalski
Jose Lothario beat Tank Morgan


2/3/69 Fort Worth
Fritz & Waldo Von Erich, Dr. Dan Miller & Young Bull Curry beat Baron Raschke, Krusher Kowalski, Joe Blanchard & Tank Morgan (listed by some sources as six-man tag match, minus Fritz and Kowalski)
Johnny Valentine beat Benny Matta
Jose Lothario beat Mike Paidousis
Dan Miller beat Krusher Kowalski
Waldo Von Erich beat Tank Morgan

2/4/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Dr. Dan Miller drew Baron Raschke & Krusher Kowalski
Joe Blanchard beat The Butcher
Jose Lothario beat Alex Medina
Krusher Karlssen beat Tank Morgan
Benny Matta beat Pepe Villa

2/10/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Baron Raschke
Dr. Dan Miller beat The Butcher
Johnny Valentine beat Tiger Conway Sr
Young Bull Curry & Reggie Parks beat Tank Morgan & Krusher Karlssen
Donna Christianello drew Bette Boucher

2/11/69 Dallas
Dr. Dan Miller beat Johnny Valentine, reversed decision
Evelyn Stevens beat Bette Boucher
Jose Lothario beat Krusher Karlssen
The Butcher drew Alex Medina
Reggie Parks beat Tank Morgan

2/17/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Duke Keomuka
Baron Raschke beat Dr. Dan Miller
Reggie Parks & Young Bull Curry beat Joe Blanchard & Krusher Kowalski
Jose Lothario beat The Butcher
Yoshimura beat Alex Medina

2/18/69 Dallas
Duke Keomuka beat Baron Raschke DQ
Joe Blanchard & Krusher Kowalski drew Young Bull Curry & Yashimira
Tank Morgan beat Alex Medina
Reggie Parks beat Krusher Karlssen
Waldo Von Erich beat The Butcher

2/24/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Jose Lothario DQ
Baron Raschke beat Young Bull Curry
Dr. Dan Miller beat Krusher Karlssen
Sonny King drew Krusher Kowalski
Reggie Parks beat Pepe Villa

2/25/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Dr. Dan Miller
Jose Lothario DDQ Baron Raschke
Sonny King beat Krusher Karlssen
Reggie Parks beat Krusher Kowalski
Tank Morgan beat Danny Plechas


3/3/69 Fort Worth
Gene Kiniski beat Fritz Von Erich DQ, special referee Lou Thesz (per stipulation, Fritz would retire if he did not win either this match or their 3/4 match in Dallas)
Baron Raschke & Joe Blanchard beat Dr. Dan Miller & Jose Lothario
Johnny Valentine beat Sonny King
Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Kowalski
Tiger Conway drew Dusty Rhodes

3/4/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Gene Kiniski, special referee Lou Thesz (same stipulation as 3/3 match)
Jose Lothario & Reggie Parks beat Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes DQ
Johnny Valentine beat Waldo Von Erich
Joe Blanchard drew Dr. Dan Miller
Tiger Conway beat Krusher Karlssen

3/10/69 Fort Worth
Baron Raschke beat Duke Keomuka
Johnny Valentine beat Dr. Dan Miller
Jose Lothario beat Krusher Karlssen
Young Bull Curry beat Dusty Rhodes
Reggie Parks drew Joe Blanchard

3/11/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Duke Keomuka
Joe Blanchard drew Waldo Von Erich
Jose Lothario beat Reggie Parks
Young Bull Curry beat Sonny King
Dusty Rhodes beat Danny Plechas (sub for injured Dr. Dan Miller)

3/17/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Waldo Von Erich
Young Bull Curry beat Baron Raschke
Reggie Parks drew Buster Lloyd
Krusher Kowalski beat Ken Hollis
Dusty Rhodes beat Sonny King

3/18/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Jose Lothario DQ
Reggie Parks beat Dusty Rhodes
Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Karlssen
Danny Plechas beat Pepe Villa
Buster Lloyd beat Ken Hollis

3/24/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich & Jose Lothario beat Johnny Valentine & Baron Raschke
Young Bull Curry beat Joe Blanchard
Dusty Rhodes beat Reggie Parks
Krusher Kowalski drew George Gaiser
Buster Lloyd beat Sonny King

3/25/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine drew Fritz Von Erich
Jose Lothario & Reggie Parks beat Dusty Rhodes & Baron Raschke DQ
Joe Blanchard beat Buster Lloyd
Young Bull Curry beat Krusher Kowalski
George Gaiser beat Krusher Karlssen

3/31/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Fritz Von Erich
Jose Lothario beat Dusty Rhodes
Baron Raschke beat Reggie Parks
Evelyn Stevens drew Toni Rose
Joe Blanchard beat Buster Lloyd


4/1/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Young Bull Curry beat Johnny Valentine & Dusty Rhodes
Buster Lloyd beat Mike Paidousis DQ
Krusher Kowalski beat Sonny King
Danny Plechas beat Krusher Karlssen
Benny Matta beat Bull Ramos

4/7/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel drew Johnny Valentine (some sources list Wahoo as winner)
Jose Lothario DDQ Baron Raschke
Young Bull Curry beat Dusty Rhodes
Danny Plechas & Buster Lloyd beat Sonny King & Krusher Karlssen
Reggie Parks beat Luke Graham

4/8/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Jose Lothario
Wahoo McDaniel beat Luke Graham
Reggie Parks & Young Bull Curry drew Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Krusher Karlssen beat Sonny King
Krusher Kowalski drew Buster Lloyd

4/14/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Baron Raschke
Reggie Parks & Young Bull Curry beat Joe Blanchard & Dusty Rhodes
Wahoo McDaniel beat Krusher Kowalski
Danny Plechas beat Krusher Karlssen
Buster Lloyd drew George Gaiser

4/15/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine
Wahoo McDaniel beat Joe Blanchard
George Gaiser beat Sid Jones
Mike Paidousis beat Buster Lloyd
Reggie Parks beat Krusher Kowalski

4/21/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine
Young Bull Curry & Reggie Parks drew Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Krusher Kowalski beat Sonny King
Pedro Valdez drew Krusher Karlssen
Buster Lloyd beat Juan Rios

4/22/69 Dallas
Young Bull Curry, Jose Lothario & Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine, Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Reggie Parks beat Buster Lloyd
Juan Rios beat Krusher Kowalski
Pedro Valdez beat Sonny King

4/28/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine & Baron Raschke beat Jose Lothario & Wahoo McDaniel
Young Bull Curry beat Buster Lloyd
Pancho Lopez drew Dusty Rhodes
George Gaiser beat Joe Blanchard
Reggie Parks beat Pedro Valdez

4/29/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich DCOR Johnny Valentine
Wahoo McDaniel beat Dusty Rhodes
Pancho Lopez beat Sundown Kid
Jose Lothario beat Sid Jones
Krusher Karlssen drew Pedro Valdez


5/5/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Jose Lothario
Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke
Young Bull Curry & Reggie Parks beat Dusty Rhodes & Gorilla Lopez DQ
Krusher Karlssen drew Pepe Gomez
Mike Paidousis beat Pedro Valdez

5/6/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine DQ, cage match
Wahoo McDaniel & Jose Lothario drew Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Reggie Parks beat Krusher Karlssen
Gorilla Lopez beat Pedro Valdez
Young Bull Curry beat Pepe Gomez

5/12/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Duke Keomuka
Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes beat Reggie Parks & Young Bull Curry
Wahoo McDaniel beat Mike Paidousis
Jose Lothario beat Gorilla Lopez
Pepe Gomez beat Pedro Valdez

5/13/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Duke Keomuka beat Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario beat Buster Lloyd
Young Bull Curry beat Sid Jones
Gorilla Lopez beat Pepe Gomez
Tiger Conway beat Sundown Kid

5/19/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich & Wahoo McDaniel NCO Johnny Valentine & Baron Raschke
Dusty Rhodes beat Reggie Parks
Jose Lothario drew Joe Blanchard
Lord Littlebrook beat Mighty Atom
Buster Lloyd beat Pepe Gomez

5/20/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine drew Wahoo McDaniel
Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes drew Jose Lothario & Young Bull Curry
Lord Littlebrook beat Mighty Atom
Joe Blanchard beat Pedro Valdez
Gorilla Lopez beat Krusher Karlssen

5/26/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke
Dusty Rhodes beat George Gaiser
Young Bull Curry & Lord Littlebrook beat Buster Lloyd & Mighty Atom
Krusher Karlssen beat Pepe Gomez
Joe Blanchard drew Reggie Parks

5/27/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich, Jose Lothario & Young Bull Curry beat Johnny Valentine, Joe Blanchard & Dusty Rhodes, “Texas tag-out” (elimination tag) match
George Gaiser beat Mike Paidousis
Young Bull Curry beat Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario beat Joe Blanchard
Gorilla Lopez beat Pepe Gomez


6/2/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine DQ
Wahoo McDaniel & Waldo Von Erich beat Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario beat Alex Perez
Young Bull Curry beat Pedro Valdez
Buster Lloyd beat Pepe Gomez

6/3/69 Dallas
First Round:
Jose Lothario beat Mike Paidousis
Wahoo McDaniel beat Dusty Rhodes
Baron Raschke beat Gorilla Lopez
Waldo Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine, referee’s decision
Semifinal Round:
Wahoo McDaniel drew Waldo Von Erich
Baron Raschke beat Jose Lothario to win Texas Brass Knuckles Title
Reggie Parks beat Young Bull Curry
Alex Perez beat Pepe Gomez

6/9/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Fritz Von Erich to win American Heavyweight title
Jose Lothario & Waldo Von Erich beat Baron Raschke & Buster Lloyd
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Jack Curtis
Dusty Rhodes beat Reggie Parks
Alex Perez drew Bobby Duncum

6/10/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine, Indian Death (strap) match
Thudnerbolt Patterson beat Alex Perez
Jose Lothario beat Gorilla Lopez
Mike Paidousis beat Pedro Valdez
Bobby Duncum beat Sid Jones

6/16/69 Fort Worth
Bull Curry & Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine & Baron Raschke
Jose Lothario beat Bobby Duncum
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Dusty Rhodes
Joe Blanchard beat Reggie Parks
Alex Perez drew Buster Lloyd

6/17/69 Dallas
Baron Raschke beat Bull Curry
Jose Lothario & Wahoo McDaniel beat Dusty Rhodes & Bobby Duncum
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Buster Lloyd
Waldo Von Erich beat Joe Blanchard DQ
Reggie Parks beat Pedro Valdez

6/23/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke DQ
Johnny Valentine beat Waldo Von Erich
Jose Lothario & Reggie Parks beat Gary Hart & Joe Blanchard
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Sid Jones
Timothy Geohagen beat Pedro Valdez

6/24/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Johnny Valentine & Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario drew Baron Raschke
Joe Blanchard beat Alex Perez
Reggie Parks beat Sid Jones
Gorilla Lopez beat Marc Allen

6/30/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich & Grizzly Smith beat Johnny Valentine & Baron Raschke
Jose Lothario beat Dusty Rhodes DQ
Waldo Von Erich beat Bobby Duncum
Evelyn Stevens beat Maria DeLeon
Alex Perez drew Buster Lloyd


7/1/69 Dallas
Grizzly Smith beat Johnny Valentine, Fritz Von Erich in Smith’s corner
Wahoo McDaniel & Waldo Von Erich beat Buster Lloyd & Baron Raschke
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gorilla Lopez
Timothy Geohagen drew Reggie Parks
Mary DeLeon beat Evelyn Stevens

7/7/69 Fort Worth
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Baron Raschke
Wahoo McDaniel beat Gary Hart
Jose Lothario & Evelyn Stevens beat Joe Blanchard & Maria DeLeon
Bobby Duncum drew Tony Gonzales
Alex Perez beat Reggie Parks

7/8/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine DQ
Jose Lothario beat Bobby Duncum
Jose Lothario (sub for Grizzly Smith) & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Joe Blanchard & Dusty Rhodes
Tony Gonzales beat Gorilla Lopez
Timothy Geohagen beat Sid Jones

7/14/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gorilla Lopez & Dusty Rhodes
Johnny Valentine NCO Baron Raschke
Jose Lothario beat Tony Gonzales
Reggie Parks beat Alex Perez
The Bushman beat Timothy Geohagen

7/15/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine, Texas Death Match
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario & Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke & Alex Perez
Reggie Parks beat The Bushman DQ
Gorilla Lopez beat Timothy Geohagen

7/21/69 Fort Worth
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gary Hart
Tony Gonzales & Jose Lothario beat Dusty Rhodes & Baron Raschke
Dick Murdoch beat Reggie Parks
The Bushman beat Alex Perez
Joe Blanchard beat Timothy Geohagen

7/22/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel beat Gary Hart, Indian Death (strap) match
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Baron Raschke
The Bushman beat Tommy O’Brien
Joe Blanchard drew Benny Matta
Tony Gonzales & Jose Lothario beat Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murdoch

7/28/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel & Fritz Von Erich beat The Bushman & Johnny Valentine
Dick Murdoch beat Alex Perez
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Masked Marvel
Tony Gonzales drew Dusty Rhodes
Reggie Parks beat Gorilla Lopez

7/29/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Thunderbolt Patterson beat The Bushman & Gary Hart
Dick Murdoch beat Gorilla Lopez
Alex Perez beat Dusty Rhodes
Baron Raschke beat Reggie Parks
Tony Gonzales beat Masked Marvel


8/4/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine to win American Heavyweight title
Thunderbolt Patterson & Wahoo McDaniel beat Joe Blanchard & Baron Raschke
Jose Lothario beat Dick Murdoch
Dusty Rhodes beat Tommy O’Brien

8/5/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine (American Heavyweight title held up due to interference by Wahoo McDaniel)
Tony Gonzales (sub for Wahoo McDaniel, injured in brawl during main event) beat Dick Murdoch DQ
Tony Gonzales drew Joe Blanchard
Gary Hart beat Tiger Conway
Alex Perez beat Gorilla Lopez

8/11/69 Fort Worth
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gary Hart
Wahoo McDaniel & Tony Gonzales beat Baron Raschke & Dick Murdoch
Jose Lothario drew Dusty Rhodes
Alex Perez drew Silento Rodriguez

8/12/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke, Russian Chain Match
Jose Lothario & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Dusty Rhodes & Dick Murdoch DQ
Tony Gonzales beat Alex Perez
Ramona Isbell beat Marva Scott
Salvador Lothario beat Gorilla Lopez

8/18/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine drew Thunderbolt Patterson
Baron Raschke & Dusty Rhodes beat Jose Lothario & Tony Gonzales
Dick Murdoch beat Silento Rodriguez
Joe Blanchard beat Alex Perez
Gary Hart drew Benny Matta

8/19/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine DQ
Jose Lothario drew Dusty Rhodes
Benny Matta beat Mike Paidousis
Joe Blanchard beat Salvador Lothario
Alex Perez beat Tommy O’Brien

8/25/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Baron Raschke
Thunderbolt Patterson & Wahoo McDaniel beat Dick Murdoch & Dusty Rhodes
The Stomper beat Tony Gonzales
Mike Paidousis beat Alex Perez
Jerry Miller beat Krusher Karlssen

8/26/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Johnny Valentine & Gary Hart
Wahoo McDaniel beat Baron Raschke
Jose Lothario beat Krusher Karlssen
Jerry Miller beat Dick Murdoch DQ
Silento Rodriguez beat Alex Perez


9/1/69 Fort Worth
Johnny Valentine beat Fritz Von Erich
Wahoo McDaniel & Grizzly Smith beat The Stomper & Dusty Rhodes
Jose Lothario beat Jerry Miller
Tony Gonzales beat Silento Rodriguez
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Joe Blanchard

9/2/69 Dallas
Thunderbolt Patterson & Grizzly Smith beat Gary Hart & The Stomper
Jose Lothario beat Joe Blanchard
Jerry Miller beat Silento Rodriguez
Tiger Conway beat Sundown Kid
Benny Matta beat Tommy O’Brien

9/8/69 Fort Worth
Dory Funk Jr. drew Johnny Valentine
The Stomper beat Jose Lothario
Grizzly Smith beat Dusty Rhodes
The Bushman & Jerry Miller beat Thunderbolt Patterson & Silento Rodriguez
Gary Hart beat Tony Gonzales

9/9/69 Dallas
Dory Funk Jr. drew Wahoo McDaniel
Jose Lothario & Thunderbolt Patterson beat The Bushman & Dusty Rhodes
Gary Hart beat Silento Rodriguez
Grizzly Smith beat The Stomper DQ
Tony Gonzales drew Jerry Miller

9/15/69 Fort Worth
The Stomper & The Bushman beat Thunderbolt Patterson & Grizzly Smith
Jose Lothario beat Tony Gonzales
Wahoo McDaniel beat Joe Blanchard
Tiger Conway drew Jerry Miller
Benny Matta beat Silento Rodriguez

9/16/69 Dallas
Grizzly Smith beat The Bushman
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gary Hart
The Stomper beat Benny Matta
Tony Gonzales drew Mike Paidousis
Jose Lothario beat Marc Allen

9/22/69 Fort Worth
Grizzly Smith beat Gary Hart
The Stomper beat Jose Lothario, Grizzly Smith in Lothario’s corner
Silento Rodriguez beat The Bushman
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Jerry Miller
Jessica Rogers beat Kay Noble

9/23/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich & Wahoo McDaniel beat Johnny Valentine & The Bushman
Thunderbolt Patterson beat The Stomper DQ
Jose Lothario drew Gary Hart
Kay Noble beat Jessica Rogers
Jerry Miller vs Silento Rodriguez, no result available

9/29/69 Fort Worth
Spoiler beat Jose Lothario
Wahoo McDaniel beat Gary Hart
Wahoo McDaniel beat Thunderbolt Patterson DQ
Wee Willie Wilson beat Benny Zeh
Thunderbolt Patterson drew The Stomper

9/30/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine (per stipulation, Fritz earns right to name date and location of rematch with Valentine for held-up American Heavyweight title)
Grizzly Smith & Jose Lothario beat Spoiler & Mike Paidousis (subs for Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague)
Wahoo McDaniel beat The Bushman
Tony Gonzales beat Benny Matta
Jerry Miller drew Tiger Conway


10/6/69 Fort Worth
Nick Kozak & Wahoo McDaniel beat Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague
Spoiler beat Tony Gonzales
Duke Keomuka drew The Stomper
Gary Hart beat The Bushman
Joe Blanchard drew Benji Ramirez

10/7/69 Dallas
Gary Hart & The Stomper beat Duke Keomuka & The Bushman
Joe Blanchard beat Jerry Miller (sub for Benny Matta)
Grizzly Smith beat Spoiler DQ
Boris Malenko beat Silento Rodriguez
No result available:
Wee Willie Wilson vs Benny Zeh

10/13/69 Fort Worth
Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague beat Benji Ramirez & Grizzly Smith
Wahoo McDaniel beat Spoiler
Tom Andrews beat Silento Rodriguez
Jerry Miller beat The Bushman
Nick Kozak drew Bull Ramos

10/14/69 Dallas
Thunderbolt Patterson beat The Stomper
No results available:
Wahoo McDaniel vs Gary Hart
Boris Malenko vs Tom Andrews
Nick Kozak vs Lord Charles Montague
Tiger Conway vs Jerry Miller
Card also featured Fritz Von Erich (vs The Stomper) and Johnny Valentine (vs Gary Hart) in workout matches, with the opponents determined by crowd applause.

10/20/69 Fort Worth
Gary Hart & Spoiler beat Wahoo McDaniel & Grizzly Smith
Johnny Valentine NCO Fritz Von Erich, American Heavyweight title, two referees
Nick Kozak beat Boris Malenko
Lord Charles Montague beat Silento Rodriguez
Benji Ramirez drew Bull Ramos

10/21/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine to win held-up American Heavyweight title, cage match
Wahoo McDaniel beat The Stomper
Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague beat Thunderbolt Patterson & Tony Gonzales
Gary Hart (sub for The Bushman) beat Tom Andrews
Grizzly Smith beat Jerry Miller

10/27/69 Fort Worth
Spoiler beat Fritz Von Erich
Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague beat Nick Kozak & Benji Ramirez
Krusher Karlssen drew Grizzly Smith
Thunderbolt Patterson beat Bull Ramos
Tom Andrews beat Joe Blanchard

10/28/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel (sub for injured Fritz Von Erich) & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Gary Hart & Spoiler
Wahoo McDaniel beat Bull Ramos
Boris Malenko beat Tiger Conway
Joe Blanchard drew Tom Andrews
Lord Charles Montague beat Krusher Karlssen


11/3/69 Fort Worth
Boris Malenko, Lord Charles Montague, The Stomper & Johnny Valentine beat Nick Kozak, Wahoo McDaniel, Thunderbolt Patterson & Grizzly Smith
Lord Charles Montague drew Grizzly Smith
Spoiler beat Benji Ramirez
Tom Andrews beat Jerry Miller
Nick Kozak beat Boris Malenko

11/4/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Wahoo McDaniel
Thunderbolt Patterson & Nick Kozak beat Jerry Miller & Bull Ramos
Grizzly Smith beat Gorilla Lopez
Boris Malenko beat Tom Andrews
Lord Charles Montague beat Silento Rodriguez

11/10/69 Fort Worth
Wahoo McDaniel & Fritz Von Erich beat Boris Malenko & Johnny Valentine
Grizzly Smith beat Spoiler DQ
Thunderbolt Patterson beat The Stomper
Lord Charles Montague beat Tony Gonzales
Gary Hart drew Benji Ramirez

11/11/69 Dallas
Johnny Valentine beat Fritz Von Erich, lumberjack match, must be won via Iron Claw or elbow smash
Wahoo McDaniel beat Spoiler
Grizzly Smith beat The Stomper
Jerry Miller beat Silento Rodriguez
Benji Ramirez beat Tony Gonzales

11/17/69 Fort Worth
Boris Malenko beat Thunderbolt Patterson
Boris Malenko NCO Wahoo McDaniel
Lord Charles Montague beat Nick Kozak
Tom Andrews drew Benji Ramirez
Tony Gonzales beat Jerry Miller

11/18/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine, Texas Death Match
Wahoo McDaniel & Grizzly Smith beat Gary Hart & Spoiler
Boris Malenko beat Tony Gonzales
Joe Blanchard drew Nick Kozak
The Stomper beat Silento Rodriguez

11/24/69 Fort Worth
Gary Hart & Spoiler beat Tom Andrews & Grizzly Smith
Boris Malenko NCO Wahoo McDaniel
Boris Malenko NCO Thunderbolt Patterson
Billy the Kid drew Cowboy Bradley
Lord Charles Montague beat Benji Ramirez

11/25/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague
Nick Kozak beat Benji Ramirez
Tom Andrews beat Tony Gonzales
Benny Matta drew Mike Paidousis
Cowboy Bradley beat Billy the Kid


12/1/69 Fort Worth
Bill Watts beat Spoiler DQ
Boris Malenko beat Wahoo McDaniel
Lord Charles Montague beat Tom Andrews
Ricky Romero beat The Stomper
Benji Ramirez beat Silento Rodriguez

12/2/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich, Wahoo McDaniel, Grizzly Smith & Ricky Romero beat Johnny Valentine, Boris Malenko, Spoiler & Gary Hart, “Texas tag-out” (elimination tag) match
Evelyn Stevens beat Mary DeLeon
Bill Watts beat Lord Charles Montague
Grizzly Smith beat Gary Hart
Ricky Romero drew Spoiler

12/8/69 Fort Worth
Nick Kozak & Thunderbolt Patterson beat Lord Charles Montague & The Stomper
Johnny Valentine beat Pat O’Connor
Wahoo McDaniel beat Boris Malenko
Tom Andrews beat Joe Blanchard
Grizzly Smith beat Benji Ramirez

12/9/69 Dallas
Wahoo McDaniel & Pat O’Connor beat Johnny Valentine & Boris Malenko, special referee Fritz Von Erich
Nick Kozak drew Spoiler
Lord Charles Montague beat Tiger Conway
Tom Andrews beat Tony Gonzales
Joe Blanchard beat Mike Paidousis

12/15/69 Fort Worth
Boris Malenko & Lord Charles Montague beat Fritz & Waldo Von Erich
Spoiler beat Thunderbolt Patterson
Grizzly Smith beat The Stomper
Nick Kozak beat Gary Hart
Tom Andrews drew Benji Ramirez

12/16/69 Dallas
Waldo Von Erich beat Boris Malenko
Johnny Valentine beat Ernie Ladd
Wahoo McDaniel beat Spoiler
Nick Kozak beat Tom Andrews
Thunderbolt Patterson drew Benji Ramirez

12/29/69 Fort Worth
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine
Spoiler beat Tony Gonzales
Wahoo McDaniel beat Lord Charles Montague
Joe Blanchard drew Grizzly Smith
Maria DeLeon & Nick Kozak beat Gary Hart & Jessica Rogers

12/30/69 Dallas
Fritz Von Erich beat Johnny Valentine, Texas Death cage match
Nick Kozak beat Benji Ramirez
Joe Blanchard beat Tommy O’Brien
Grizzly Smith beat Spoiler
Benny Matta drew Lord Charles Montague


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